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Meetings and Schedule   Location & Directions   Steering Committee
The Chicago Cytoskeleton is a forum for cytoskeletal researchers from the greater Chicago area to meet, hear some great talks, exchange ideas, and socialize    

WHEN: 1 meeting in the fall and 1 meeting   in the spring
Meetings are held on the designated Fridays (3:00 - 7pm)

Dr. Holly Goodson (Notre Dame University)
hgoodson (at) nd.edu
Dr. Vladimir Gelfand (Northwestern University)
vgelfand (at) northwestern.edu


Sep 20th 2024 Meeting: 

For Parking please click here     

Talks will start at 3 PM.

Madeline Lovejoy (Garcia-Mata lab, U. Toledo)

SGEF, a RhoG-specific GEF, influences the morphology and collective migration of 3D epithelial cysts

Amruta Nayak (Glotzer lab, U. Chicago)

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Requirement of Rap1 Activity in Early Embryonic Morphogenesis

Jenna Christensen (Northwestern)

Using comparative genomics to explore dynein motor complex function

Sally Horne-Badovinac (U. Chicago)

Symmetry-breaking and initiation of rotational epithelial migration

Benjamin Perrin (Indiana University Indianapolis)

Formin-dependent adhesion complexes at the base regulate actin assembly at stereocilia tips

Margaret Titus (U. Minnesota)

Modulation of Filopodial Myosin Activity

Silvia Jansen (Washington University St. Louis)

Actin-remodeling mechanisms of Plastins in congenital childhood diseases


Sessions are held in the Lurie Medical Research Center at the Feinberg School of Medicine     


Upcoming meetings for the 2024-25 academic year :

April 25th 



More details to follow!


The Chicago Cytoskeleton is generously sponsored by:




Web design: Brian Mitchell and Teng-Leong Chew